Tuesday, November 22, 2011

First Blog!


I am excited to join this community of couples that also use domestic discipline in their marriage. We actually decided to start a few months ago, but getting ready for winter had us really busy and we could not "start".  Well while I was recovering from an illness he decided I should do a recap of the house rules, store rules and what I think are fair punishments. We went over them last night and he said I made all fair and necessary rules.

I am still recovering so I am on hold for my "1st spanking" which I earned for being extremely rude, mouthy, and not doing what I was supposed to.  I thought he had forgot about DD and therefore did not take his threat seriously.  It was!! I am really happy he has decided to take this roll of being our HOH seriously and hold me accountable.

I don't really know what else to say for now!  I am not very good with computers so this blog won't be fancy or anything but I will blog about our experiences to help others.  One thing I have noticed is most LDD families have children.  We do not, and plan to keep it that way.  We have two wonderful(ly bad) dogs and two rabbits, a nice little house and a small business that I run while he works. 


  1. Welcome Anna! I'm excited to read your blog.


  2. Thank Chelsea, you and Clint are great!

  3. Hi Anna, nice to "meet" you...wow sounds cold. I'm glad you joined our blogland.


  4. Thanks Lil and Stormy! I am happy too, there are so many interesting ones to read!

  5. Welcome to blogging! I'm new to this all as well, sort of around the same time as you. Thanksgiving was our big talk.
    Sorry I'm just now writing on your first post.. it's December 16th already!

  6. Don't be sorry Emi! It's nice there are people just starting and blogging too! Almost a month of LDD :D Thank you for the comment!

  7. Anna, Welcome and I hope your journey is a learning one as it has been for me. We are all here because of a common connection and if you need to talk, share or ask for advice there are so many ready and willing to do the same. Hope you continue to write as I have just started reading your blog and will follow your journey. Please feel free to drop by and join me.
