Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Corner Time dun dun duuun

I got assigned corner time for the first time.

We got home late, from the grocery store, I had a special dinner planned, well not too special just a new recipe that sounded quick and good.

And..... we have a mouse issue. Since it's been so cold they started coming in the house. Let me be clear- this has never happened since I have lived there.

So now before I can cook I have to sanitize and wash all the counters, silverware and utensils, take care of the dogs and get a fire started (it's way cold in the house).  He takes the dogs out, gets some wood and gets the fire going, while I'm washing my butt off and not getting anywhere.  I had a pizza in the freezer so we opt for that but while I'm still washing he is texting my cousin and reading the new magazine we got in the mail instead of talking to me.  I was getting a headache from not eating yet and sorta lost my temper and yelled at him "All you ever do is play on your phone and read and you NEVER pay attention to me!" and as soon as it came out I knew I was in the wrong, said sorry and he was sooo mad. So I turn back around to wash more and he asked in a calm voice if I would please take off my gloves and do ten minutes of corner time.  I whipped around with a look of pure 'why would I do that I said sorry!'.  I didn't want to argue because I knew I was wrong.  I didn't want to do it because I wanted to finish the dishes. But I did it, with out complaint and quietly asked where he wanted me to go(since it was our first experience with this). I got to stand next to the wood stove, and only had to do 7 minutes because I was good.

When he came up to tell me I was done I turned and hugged him and cried.  I was really ashamed of losing my temper and being rude!  He asked me why I had to stand there and I told him as that and being disrespectful and yelling.  The night was so great after that!  We were laughing together in minutes afterward.  This has never happened before!  He will stay mad that I yelled and I will be angry like it was his fault and we would go to bed like that.  We ate together and snuggled in bed and were completely happy with each others company.  It was a little boring but so necessary, and really wiped the slate for us.

I know that it will be boring in the future but I hope to always put such a good face on it, so we can get back to being loving instead of fighting.


  1. Cornertime doesn't work for everybody but it certainly sounds effective for you :) Instant results and no spanking lol :) Ttwd can be quite amazing at times :)

    Dee x

  2. Agree with Dee!!! I can't stand it and it backfires in a big way but for those it works for, it's like magic. Wow. Your attitude turned all around and you didn't have to be spanked...and he had closure too. That is great Anna!

  3. Thank you for the support!! I was sure I wouldn't tolerate it but submitting this way came really easy somehow.

  4. Ugh..I have only had "bed" time once and I couldn't stand it. I am very restless! I'm glad we don't use corner time..but then again- I'd get spanked for yelling or any kind of backtalk so maybe corner time would be better.

    I think my attitude would just get worse though..

    Sounds like it worked absolutely beautiful for you guys! Awesome!

  5. Thanks for reading my blog Stormy! I think I like "time outs" for attitude adjustments. I have a quick temper so just being quiet helps a lot. I won't fight them (so far) because I really don't want a spanking! We are still in the beginning :)

  6. It sounds great that a corner time works so fantastic for you. I'm happy for you that you didn't receive a spanking. :)

    I have no experience with corner time, so it is very interesting to read your feelings and thoughts through this topic. Thanks.


  7. Thanks Krista! I am sure I will have more to tell about in the future.
